Monday, March 23, 2009

In the News: Alliance Gaining Coverage for Response to jetBlue

The Alliance for Aviation Across America's ongoing efforts to expose the glaring omissions in jetBlue's most recent ad gimmick is catching on in aviation media all across the country.

See what aviation news outlets and blogs have been saying about the AAAA's new ad responding to jetBlue's ad campaign claiming that it is a viable alternative to General Aviation:

The Wichita Eagle's "Air Capital Insider:" Trade groups respond to JetBlue's "Welcome Bigwigs" ad campaign

Av8rdan's World of Flying: AAAA Gets it Right on JetBlue's Latest 'Gimmick' Alliance for Aviation Across America Hits JetBlue ads NBAA, Alliance for Aviation Across America Denounce JetBlue Ad

Check back frequently here, and for more updates on this and other important issues.

Want to join the AAAA? Click here to sign up.


Industry news said...

Fantastic advert. Beautiful response to the ignorance of a large airlines silly attempt to gain new customers.

Industry news said...
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